Il faut confronter les idées vagues avec des images claires (Jean-Luc Godard)
Dan Lageryd works mainly with the moving image and focuses upon themes such as time, space, repetition, perception and architecture.
Instagram / 59°20 34 N 18°00 33 E - 59°17 45 N 18°00 11 E / Kebab Dreams / Kebabdrömmar / Kebabträume / Vimeo / CV [SWEDISH]
Amore Nostro Modo: an artist book project. "Odysseus en route to Arlanda, Ösmo next to Palermo, Margherita meets Sjuksköterskan. By juxtaposing images from pizzerias and other fast food restaurants with poetry based on pizza names found in some of the more than five hundred pizza menus collected in the greater Stockholm area 2017-2018, Dan Lageryd’s ambition is to depict a city and its inhabitants in a time of increased movement and migration."
Below: The dummy as presented at the Spring Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, May 24 - June 7, 2018
(A4, 100 pages. Printed on 120 g matte paper)
Below: Examples of images and text from the book
Odysseus Arlanda
Havets Lejon, Dubbel Krabba
Havets Fyra Hot
Hawaii Sockenvägen, Solveig
Ankara / Evigheten
Jonny & Tores Amore
Apollo Shake
Olympus Kebab Tower
Intruder Paradiso
Armagedon, Galne Kycklingen
Harem Funghi
Big Bang Bacon Bingo
Gudfader Epikurus
Frutti di Carne, Vegetarisk Thriller
Below: Installation view. PAB, Spring Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, May 24 - June 7, 2018